CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

Freedom of Speech
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Freedom of Speech
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Challenge to gay cake’ ruling thrown out by ECtHR judges

6 January 2022

Judges at the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) have dismissed a challenge to a UK Supreme Court ruling in favour of Christian bakers who refused to bake a cake with the…

Freedom of Speech
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Controversial Scottish hate crime legislation delayed

25 October 2021

Implementation of the Scottish Government's Hate Crime Act has been delayed, the Sunday Times has revealed, signalling continued problems with the controversial law.

Online Safety
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New Online Safety Bill – but what does it mean?

12 May 2021

Today the UK Government published the Draft Online Safety Bill. Among a range of measures, the draft Bill proposes to:

Religious Liberty
University 0

New law to bolster free speech in higher education

12 May 2021

New legislation to safeguard free speech on campuses has been lodged in the UK parliament, after growing concern about the silencing of challenging and unorthodox views. The Higher Education (Freedom of Speech)…

Online Safety
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Teachers and children’s groups urge PM to curb online porn access

7 May 2021

Head teachers, children's groups and parliamentarians have called on the Prime Minister to introduce age verification on online porn sites.

Religious Liberty
Censored 1

Govt moves to cancel cancel culture’ at universities

9 April 2021

‘Cancel culture’ and ‘no-platforming’ are to be challenged on university campuses with sanctions against institutions that fail to uphold freedom of speech.

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Freedom of Speech

Freedom of speech and expression are vital, democratic liberties. As Christians, we should uphold them for the benefit of all people.

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