CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

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Online Safety
boy in darkness watching ipad

CARE: Bolster porn protections in Online Safety Bill

16 May 2023

Online safety legislation must be amended to ensure pornographic content that’s illegal offline world is also illegal online, campaigners say.

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Gambling firm accused of paying blogs to lure new mothers to its online games

15 May 2023

A Guardian source has accused Coral, a leading gambling brand in the UK, of paying blogs to recommend new mothers play its online casino games.

Human Trafficking
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Read Ross’ letter on the Illegal Migration Bill

15 May 2023

Last week, Members of the House of Lords debated the Illegal Migration Bill at second reading. Following the debate, CARE's CEO, Ross Hendry, had the following letter published in the Telegraph.

Freedom of Speech
Demonstration of free speech

University free speech legislation becomes law

12 May 2023

The UK government's flagship Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Bill received its Royal Assent yesterday and is now officially the law of the land for England and Wales.

Freedom of Speech
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Students offered welfare’ pack for gender critical talk

12 May 2023

A growing row over Oxford Union's, a free speech supporting society at the University of Oxford, decision to invite gender-critical feminist Kathleen Stock to speak deepened last night.

House of Lords at sunset

Archbishop of Canterbury says Illegal Migration Bill risks great damage’ to UK’s reputation

11 May 2023

The Illegal Migration Bill received strong opposition from the Archbishop of Canterbury yesterday as it began its passage through the House of Lords.

News from all causes

Abortion Online Safety Gambling Marriage and Family Commercial Sexual Exploitation Assisted Suicide Human Trafficking Religious Liberty Technology, Robotics, and AI Freedom of Speech Transgender

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