Peter Ladd

Peter Ladd has been the Head of Content at CARE since August 2022, having formerly worked in digital marketing. He studied Classics and Theology at Oxford University, heads up the 20s/30s ministry in his church alongside his wife, and is a lay preacher.

Pieces by Peter Ladd

  1. Learning from the grooming gangs scandal

    Sexual Exploitation

  2. A Black Friday

    Assisted Suicide

  3. Same old Labour, always taxing?


  4. Project Hope?


  5. 7 things to pray for in 2024


  6. Was Rishi right to sack Suella?


  7. Freedom of Speech - a University Challenge

    Freedom of Speech

  8. The C of E has forgotten its better story about sex

    Marriage and Family

  9. The Queen: A steward of the King


  10. The Queen: A Woman of Faith
