CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

For what you believe
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Peter Ladd

Peter Ladd has been the Head of Content at CARE since August 2022, having formerly worked in digital marketing. He studied Classics and Theology at Oxford University, heads up the 20s/30s ministry in his church alongside his wife, and is a lay preacher.

Pieces by Peter Ladd

Polling Card min

A Conservative wipeout? How to process results on election day as a Christian.

3 May 2024

It’s Results Day. After much talk about an impending Conservative wipeout in the Locals, shady rumours about a potential challenge to the Prime Minister from the backbenches, and a number of bitter…

Richard Dawkins

Richard Dawkins, a Christian? The rise of cultural Christianity’ in Britain…

5 April 2024

I must confess, I never read ‘The God Delusion’ cover-to-cover. I was only 12 when it was released, and so I rather missed the boat. A few years later I thumbed through…

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Understanding the pro-choice” movement

1 March 2024

Disclaimer: This article covers sensitive themes like abortion and assisted suicide.

Keir Starmer shutterstock

Does Labour still have a problem with anti-semitism?

15 February 2024

It hadn't been a great week for Keir least, not until last night's by-election results.

The Traitors

Just a game? Here’s what the success of The Traitors reveals about our society…

26 January 2024

It’s the TV show which has gripped the nation. In the CARE office, half of us are talking about it each morning. The other half are probably fed up with hearing about…

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Project Hope?

5 January 2024

I’ve never really understood the hype around New Year celebrations. I do understand that sometimes - and maybe this was the case in recent years as we walked through the pandemic -…

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7 things to pray for in 2024

5 January 2024

As we begin a new year with all the hopes, opportunities and challenges that it brings, we hope that the below will be useful in shaping your prayers.

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The Conservative Party is choking to death

8 December 2023

The following article represents the views and thoughts of its author. CARE is not affiliated with any political party.

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Was Rishi right to sack Suella?

17 November 2023

The following article represents the views and thoughts of its author. CARE is neither for nor against any one particular candidate or political party, but supports good government, wherever it is found.

Gaze Israel Map

What do we actually want to happen in Israel and Palestine?

20 October 2023

The following article represents the views and thoughts of its author.

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What created Russell Brand? And what can we do about it?

22 September 2023

Warning: This article contains a description of sexual abuse and covers sensitive themes. It may not be suitable for some of our younger readers. Please read with caution.

Welby Synod

Is the UK no longer a Christian country?

1 September 2023

The headline was stark, the commentary withering: “Britain is no longer a Christian country, say frontline clergy.” Among other striking points, the Times’ exclusive survey of clergy of the Church of England…

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Lucy Letby: how can we respond to evil?

25 August 2023

Sometimes you just do not know what to say.

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Donald Trump and the paradox of power

4 August 2023

What more can you say about Donald J Trump? I must confess, it’s with some trepidation that I write about him myself. Trump is rarely out of the headlines, normally by his…

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The Huw Edwards affair exposes the brokenness of our society

14 July 2023

Well that was a bit of a shock, wasn’t it? When the news came out on Wednesday that the unnamed BBC presenter at the heart of the latest tv sex scandal was…

Boris 2

Character not Charisma — what makes a good leader?

16 June 2023

What makes a good leader? Is it the ability to inspire loyalty in others? Is it all about getting results, regardless of how you get there? To be the one with authority?

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The Prince, the Press and the Public Interest: examining our own relationship with the news

9 June 2023

Every day, we are bombarded with more news than we could comprehend: articles, blogs, podcasts, YouTube videos, from just about every angle that we could possibly envisage. It is a relatively recent…

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What should we make of record net migration levels?

26 May 2023

If there is one topic you can guarantee a heated debate on at the moment, it has got to be immigration. Whether it be Brexit or the boats, everyone has something to…

Freedom of Speech
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Freedom of Speech — a University Challenge

12 May 2023

Your starter for 10 this week: what do these two groups of people have in common?

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Trump, trials and entrapment: how our political failings point to the only one who truly succeeded

7 April 2023

It’s been an eventful week. Each Thursday, we sit down at CARE and weigh up what the biggest story of the week is, so we can provide a Christian angle on it.…

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Spring Budget 2023: Childcare, pensions and God’s good plan for our work

17 March 2023

It felt like - perhaps unsurprisingly after the chaos of last year - a fairly anticlimactic budget. Maybe we’ve all grown accustomed to big spending pledges in recent times, with recent years…

Marriage and Family
Welby Synod

The C of E has forgotten its better story about sex

10 February 2023

It’s not every day your sex life (or rather, your lack thereof) is discussed in front of the Archbishop of Canterbury...

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Is the rapist male or female? Answer came there none…

27 January 2023

Warning: This article contains a description of sexual abuse and covers sensitive themes. It may not be suitable for some of our younger readers. Please read with caution.

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We must resist attempts to introduce Assisted Suicide

13 January 2023

If you’ve been following the news in recent weeks, you’ll have noticed increasing coverage of the debates around Assisted Suicide recently. With public consultations open in Jersey and the Isle of Man,…

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O come, O come Emmanuel — A Year in Review

23 December 2022

It feels like this is now said every year, but many of us will be glad that 2022 is coming to a close. We flick on our televisions each night or we…

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Christians are in the minority now — should we be worried?

2 December 2022

So it’s finally happened. After decades of consistent decline in the numbers of people in the UK identifying as Christians, we are finally in the minority (just!). For many of us, the…

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Sustainability without sensationalism

11 November 2022

“Adults keep saying we owe it to the young people, to give them hope, but I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic.…

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Opinion: Liz Truss could not govern: she had to go

20 October 2022

Disclaimer: CARE is non-party-political. This opinion piece represents one writer’s attempt to process the extraordinary goings-on in Westminster from the last few days through a Christian lens.

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The Queen: A steward of the King

23 September 2022

CARE’s Head of Content Peter Ladd offers some reflections on the Queen’s funeral service and what we can learn from a life of stewardship and service.

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The Queen: A Woman of Faith

9 September 2022

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II looked to Jesus Christ as her Saviour and King. Our Head of Content Peter Ladd and our Communications Officer Rachel Alexandra reflect on what inspired her to…