
Baby born 15 weeks early thriving after expert care

A mother has shared how her 15-week premature baby is being helped by expert neonatal care.

Jenna Lauder, 36, from Stirling started experiencing bleeding and cramping whilst on holiday in England. As she was just 25-weeks pregnant, she was rushed to A&E where it was found that she was in labour.

Jenna was given medication to delay birth as long as possible but this ultimately proved ineffective. She gave birth to her daughter, Hope, on the same day, who weighed just 2lb 1oz.

Hope was immediately transferred to a neonatal intensive care unit, where she's receiving ongoing care. Despite facing significant challenges, her parents say she is growing stronger each day.

Baby Hope was born just one week after the UK time limit for abortions of 24 weeks. There have been repeated calls to lower the limit, as premature babies are surviving at this gestation.

Spokesperson for Right To Life UK, Catherine Robinson, commented:

“Every life is precious, and Hope’s journey is a powerful reminder of the inherent dignity of all human beings, regardless of their stage of development.

"Her fight for survival highlights why we must continue to advocate for the protection of all unborn children, recognising their right to life from the moment of conception”.
