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Sexual crime stats show the need for porn age checks, campaigners say

Online Safety
11 January 2024
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Press release | Sexual crimes by children underline the need to prevent underage access to porn, CARE has said.

Figures show half of the 106,984 child abuse cases reported in England and Wales in 2022 involved a 10 to 17-year-old perpetrator or suspect.

Experts have pointed to smartphone use and the consumption of hardcore pornography as leading factors behind offending.

Tim Cairns, CARE's policy lead on online safety, commented:

“The disturbing number of children and teenagers committing sexual offences points to the need to restrict access to pornography. We know that pornography is a leading factor in sexual crime. Children reenact what they see online.

“Most younger children encounter porn by accident. Robust age verification measures will help prevent the youngest and most vulnerable children being exposed to content that is damaging them and inspiring abuse.

“It is vital that Ofcom gets age verification, and other long overdue safety measures outlined in the Online Safety Act, right. We will be examining the regulator’s proposals for achieving this carefully.”


Notes for Editors

Ofcom is consulting on guidance for "highly effective age checks to stop children accessing online porn services".

CARE polling

A Savanta poll of more than 2,100 UK adults for CARE found that:

> 8 in 10 say age verification should be introduced to protect kids

> 8 in 10 believe access to online porn should only be for over-18s

A separate poll of UK adults for CARE found that:

> 6 in 10 fear porn is inspiring sexual violence against women and girls

Evidence shows the link between extreme pornography and sexual crime.

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Online Safety

For children and young people, access to harmful online content is only a click away. CARE is working towards a society where they are as well-protected online as they are offline.

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