7 things to pray for in 2024

Peter Ladd

pray with us graphic

As we begin a new year with all the hopes, opportunities and challenges that it brings, we hope that the below will be useful in shaping your prayers.

  1. King of Kings, we pray for the Government for this upcoming year. Please grant our leaders wisdom and lead them to make decisions which protect the vulnerable. We particularly commend to you our Prime Minister and the Cabinet: may they make good laws which reflect the values of your Kingdom. Amen.
  2. Wonderful Counsellor, we pray for our nation this year as we enter an election year. We pray that you would help the leaders of all our political parties to behave with integrity, and that they would keep the promises they make as they make pledges. We pray that you would guide our own thinking as we ourselves discern which way we should vote. Amen.
  3. Almighty Word, you came to our world “full of grace and truth”. At a time when our debate feels increasingly toxic, we pray that your Spirit would be at work in our chambers, leading our representatives to address one another - even when they deeply disagree - with grace, humility and civility, recognising that we are all made in the image of God. Amen.
  4. Heavenly Father, we particularly lift before you any Christians who are working for you within the world of politics. May you provide them with both encouragement and perseverance, and may you bring good fruit through their faithful witness. In this election year, we pray you might raise up others for office who know you as their Lord and Saviour. Amen.
  5. God of the poor, we ask for your special mercy on all those who are suffering or vulnerable, whether that be in body, mind or spirit. You knew what it was like to live as a refugee, to be homeless, and to be ostracised. We pray that all those who are in these situations might know your peace, and that you would provide practical support for them at both a government and an individual level. Amen.
  6. Prince of Peace, we pray for all those affected by the conflict in Ukraine and in the Middle East. We pray for just resolutions to warfare, and an end to loss of life. We pray too for our own nation and for healing for societal division here in the UK, and that you would bless our world with peacemakers who are capable of building bridges. Amen.
  7. Creator God, you have made each one of us in your image. We pray that everyone might be truly valued and loved in our society, from the smallest baby in the womb to our most elderly. Remind us, we pray, of our innate worth, dignity and equality before you, regardless of who we are or what we have done. Lead our nation back to a knowledge of who you have created us to be, so that we might flourish as you intend us to. Amen.
