Pro-Life Bills formally introduced in the Lords

This week, a second pro-life bill was formally introduced at First Reading in the House of Lords.
The At Home Abortion (Review) Bill will require the Government to conduct a review into the risks associated with at-home medical abortions.
This refers to the now allowed practice, where a woman self-administers a medical abortion outside of an approved medical setting (like a hospital or a clinic).
Baroness Eaton's Bill would specifically require the Government to assess whether in-person medical appointments should be re-instated.
One key advantage of in-person appointments is it allows the gestational age of the pregnancy to be accurately determined.
Recent data from the Government serves to highlight how important this legislation is. The data shows that a medical abortion performed at 20 weeks and over has a complication rate 160 times that of an abortion under 10 weeks.
Meanwhile in the House of Commons, MPs have tabled extreme abortion amendments to the Criminal Justice Bill which would make abortion even more available and common than it already is.
Earlier this month, another pro-life bill - The Foetal Sentience Committee Bill - was introduced in the Lords. This legislation will create a committee to provide evidence-based, scientific expertise on the sentience of unborn babies.