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Scotland: abortion numbers hit record high

31 May 2023
Abortion heart 1i

Abortions in Scotland rose to record high levels in 2022 according to new figures released this week.

Statistics from Public Health Scotland show the number of abortions in 2022 was 16,584, an increase of 19% from the previous year.

The increase is mostly the result of an uptick in abortions for women aged between 16 and 29 years old.

Economic deprivation was another factor with women living in less affluent areas accounting for twice as many abortions as those in more affluent areas.

The figures also revealed the number of women reporting having previous abortion has doubled in the last nine years.

The Scottish Government permitted at home abortions during the covid-19 pandemic. These have continued ever since, despite safety concerns.

A new buffer zone law is also being considered, which would outlaw peaceful prayer within a certain permiter of abortion clinics.

First Minister Humza Yousaf has also spoken of his desire to completely 'decriminalise abortion'. This would remove the remaining legal safeguards for preborn babies and allow abortion anytime, anywhere, for any reason.

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In any pregnancy, both the woman and preborn baby have inherent value and dignity, by virtue of being made in the image of God. CARE is passionately pro-woman and pro-life.

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