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Assisted Suicide moves a step closer in France despite opposition from doctors

Assisted Suicide
14 April 2023
Shutterstock 2153077485 min

President Macron has instructed the French government to explore whether assisted suicide or euthanasia should be legalised in France.

It comes after a citizens convention voted in favour of changing the law. President Macron said a draft bill would be ready by the end of the summer.

In total, 76% of the 184-person convention voted in favour of legalising some form of euthanasia or assisted suicide for individuals in certain circumstances.

However, France’s own national council of doctors, l’Ordre des Médecins, is opposed to such legislation.

A collective of 13 professional associations representing two-thirds of medical-care workers in France have also stated that introducing assisted suicide or euthanasia would ‘turn the concept of care into its opposite.’

Evidence from Canada proves how introducing even a limited assisted suicide bill paves the way for incremental expansion. One notable example is Canada, which has, according to the World Medical Journal, arguably the most wide-open-state-facilitated suicide process in the world.’

Assisted suicide was legalised in Canada in 2016 and within a few years, the law was expanded to include more people.

In Scotland, MSPs are due to consider an assisted suicide bill being brought forward by Liam McArthur MSP. At Westminster, the Health and Social Care Committee is currently conducting an inquiry into the current law in the UK which outlaws assisted suicide and euthanasia.

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Assisted Suicide

Where assisted suicide is legal, it makes vulnerable people feel like a burden. CARE works to uphold laws that protect those people, and to assist them to live—not to commit suicide.

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