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Scotland: Assisted suicide would open Pandora's Box of harms

Assisted Suicide
8 September 2022
Hospital beds 3

Assisted suicide proposals lodged in the Scottish Parliament today threaten to open a "Pandora's Box of harms", campaigners have warned.

Today, Thu 8 September, Scottish Lib Dem MSP Liam McArthur lodges his Proposed 'Assisted Dying' Bill at Holyrood.

If the bill becomes law, it will allow terminally adults in Scotland to access lethal drugs from the state to end their own lives.

Michael Veitch, Scottish Parliamentary Officer at CARE for Scotland, which opposes assisted suicide and euthanasia, commented:

“It is deeply sad to see proposals of this nature return to the Scottish Parliament today. Evidence from other countries clearly shows that legalising assisted suicide opens a Pandora’s Box of harms.

“Safeguards always fail. Pressure leads to expansion of legislation, making vulnerable and marginalised groups eligible for a state-assisted death. This is why no major disability organisation supports assisted suicide, and why many in the disability community are ardently opposed.

“No guarantees can be made by today’s MSPs about the shape of ‘assisted dying’ legislation in years to come. No adequate set of safeguards have been devised in other countries where assisted suicide is legal. Given these facts, a change in the law should be unthinkable for MSPs.”


Notes for Editors

Read CARE for Scotland's submission to Liam McArthur's consultation: Assisted suicide would change Scottish society for the worse | CARE

CARE for Scotland is a well-established mainstream Christian charity providing resources and helping to bring Christian insight and experience to matters of public policy and practical caring initiatives. CARE is represented in the UK Parliaments and Assemblies.

For interview requests or more information please contact Jamie Gillies:

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Assisted Suicide

Where assisted suicide is legal, it makes vulnerable people feel like a burden. CARE works to uphold laws that protect those people, and to assist them to live—not to commit suicide.

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