Here's what the SNP Leadership Candidates think on key issues

SNP Leadership candidates - Kate Forbes, Humza Yousaf, Ash Regan (L-R)

On Monday 27 March, the Scottish National Party (SNP) will announce its new leader. There are three candidates: Humza Yousaf, Ash Regan and Kate Forbes.

This brief article explores what each candidate has said on key causes that CARE has a position on. It must be stressed that CARE is non-party political and does not endorse any single candidate.

Humza Yousaf


Fully committed to pro-abortion policies; has pledged to “improve abortion care in Scotland”, including considering decriminalisation of abortion and “unequivocally” backing buffer zone legislation.

End of life

Is on record as opposing any change to the law. Has said there are not enough safeguards in place to ensure the law was not open to abuse or exploitation.

Fiscal policy

Cabinet member of Government that introduced/increased Scottish Child Payment. Has hinted at support for increase.


Has not said if he supports making it illegal to purchase sex.

Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill

Strongly in favour. Has, however, recently indicated that he would not challenge the UK Government’s Section 35 Order if legal advice suggests little chance of success. (Section 35 Order is the power the Secretary of State has that allows them to veto Scottish legislation if it is judged to adversely impact UK wide legislation. In this instance that’s the Equalities Act).

Conversion therapy

Strongly in favour. Will likely pursue a broad-based ban in line with the expert advisory group’s recommendations.

Ash Regan


Has said she's willing to work with pro-buffer zone campaigners, tweeting: ‘I am absolutely committed to working with @BackOffScotland and others to implement buffer zones and improve abortion care across #Scotland’

End of life

Was not an MSP for previous votes, but is on record as supporting changing the law to allow assisted suicide.

Fiscal Policy

Was part of the Scottish Government that introduced the Scottish Child Payment.


Regarded as strongly pro-Nordic style reform during her time as Minister. Legislation had been anticipated. She has spoken in debates before about making it illegal in Scotland to purchase sex.

Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill

Resigned from the Government over her opposition to the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill.

Conversion therapy

Reported as being in favour of ban however it can be assumed that she would have concerns about gender CT based on her strong opposition to GRR Bill.

Kate For­bes


Would not seek to change abortion law. Has also been asked specifically about her views on abortion in the case of rape. She said she recognised the current law and would not seek an abortion herself.

End of life

Was not an MSP for previous Bills, but is on record as opposing any change to the law.

Fiscal policy

Cabinet Secretary for Finance in Government that introduced (and subsequently increased) the Scottish Child Payment.


Has spoken in favour of changing the law to make it illegal to purchase sex.

Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill

Has expressed concerns in past. Was on maternity leave during GRR Bill passage so missed vote, but indicated she would have voted against. She has also said she will seek to amend the Bill as a response to the UK Government’s section 35 order.

Conversion therapy

Has said she supports a ban but careful choice of language suggests she understands nuance. She has recognised the importance of respecting people’s freedom of expression and choice.

What hap­pens next?

On Monday 27 March, the new SNP Leader will be announced. They will then be confirmed by a majority vote of MSPs in the Scottish Parliament.

Picture credit: The cover image in this article uses lightly edited content from the Scottish Government Flickr profile with permission under a free cultural works license.
