
Dozens of Tory MPs join online safety revolt

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Close to 40 Conservative MPs have joined a backbench rebellion over online safety proposals, demanding that the government go further in protecting children.

Thirty-seven Tory MPs have backed an amendment to make social media bosses accountable for failing to protect children from online harms.

The amendment, also supported by Labour, would hand Ofcom extra powers to prosecute tech bosses and make them criminally liable.

At least ten ex ministers, including Sir Iain Duncan Smith and Dame Andrea Leadsom, are backing the proposals, due to be considered next week.

On Tuesday, Children's Commissioner for England Dame Rachel de Souza told The Telegraph: “We urgently need to hold tech companies to account so they step up and show some moral compass.”

Sir Iain Duncan Smith said: “It is logical, sensible and stops those with deep pockets from shrugging it off when they are fined. If you are going to improve online safety, you should make it watertight.”

Whilst Miriam Cates, the MP spearheading Tory support for the amendment, commented that fines for tech company failings are "simply not enough".

“As regulations for other sectors show, only the threat of personal sanctions for senior managers will drive the significant culture change that is required in Big Tech boardrooms".

CARE continues to make representations to MPs considering the Online Safety Bill and is calling for robust provisions to prevent children accessing pornography.

Last year, CARE's online safety expert Tim Cairns commented:

"Parliament stands at a watershed moment. If the Bill falls, generations to come will look back and wonder why we allowed children free access to the most extreme pornographic content imaginable.

"This isn’t about prudishness as some claim. It’s about protecting vulnerable human beings from something that demonstrably harms them in various ways.

"Failing to act is not an option, the Government needs to regulate pornography and move the Bill through Parliament fast. We stand ready to assist them in this endeavour, as do others.”
