
Massive rise in self-generated child sexual abuse content

A new global report has revealed incidents of children aged 7-10 years old being manipulated into recording abuse of themselves have risen massively by two thirds over the past 6 months.

The Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) saw 20,000 reports of self-generated child sexual abuse content in the first half of 2022, compared with just under 12,000 for the same period last year.

According to the IWF's chief executive, Susie Hargreaves, this rise should have been 'entirely preventable'.

Child sexual abuse, which is facilitated and captured by technology using an internet connection, does not require the abuser to be physically present, and most often takes place when the child is in their bedroom – a supposedly ‘safe space’ in the family home. Therefore, it should be entirely preventable.
Susie Hargreaves
Laptop dark blue dark room 0

Speaking to Trans World Radio (TWR), CARE's Tim Cairns said the failure to implement age verification on all online pornography was not helping.

The failure to implement robust age checks on online porn means young people are still exposed far too easily. Watching porn then influences behaviors. Age checks should've been introduced via the Digital Economy Act and now we face years of waiting until the Online Safety Bill is passed. With candidates for prime minister suggesting they'll pause the Bill and reframe it, it'll take even longer before this vital safeguard is in place. We urge the government to get on and implement age checks as soon as possible.
Tim Cairns
CARE Tim Cairns speaks to TWR
