
MPs vote down bid to curb porn sites

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Tory MPs closed ranks last night to defeat changes to the Online Safety Bill designed to reign in porn sites.

An amendment tabled at Report Stage would have required online platforms to verify the age and consent of people in porn videos.

New Clause 7 would also have enshrined a right for individuals to withdraw their consent to footage remaining on websites.

The amendment was inspired by reports that rape, underage sex, and so-called revenge porn is published on major sites.

In a vote yesterday evening, New Clause 7 was defeated by 285 votes to 220 with every Conservative MP voting against.

The Government claims laws are already in place to deal with illegal content appearing on porn sites, though campaigners dispute this.

CARE recommendations

CARE is campaigning for three significant changes to the Online Safety Bill, to ensure better protection of young people.

1. We agree that a duty should be placed on all pornographic content providers to ensure consent is provided from all participants and that consent can be withdrawn.

2. We want the government to make it eminently clear that all pornography that is illegal on the high street or on video streaming services is also illegal on internet sites.

3. We think there should be a commencement clause for age verification measures that prevent children accessing pornographic content. Ofcom currently predicts 2024 which is too far away.

Another day has been allowed for Report Stage and the Online Safety Bill still has to go through the Lords, where scrutiny will continue.
