Sexual Exploitation

CARE features in new Channel 4 programme

Lauren Channel 4

CARE's trafficking and sexual exploitation policy expert Lauren Agnew discusses the issue of prostitution in a new episode of Channel 4's popular Would You Rather series.

In a debate with Reed Amber, who describes herself as a "Sex, Nudity & Mental Health Anti-Shamer", Lauren argues that "sex work" is inherently harmful to women and girls. She told Channel 4:

"I work for a public policy charity called CARE as their human trafficking and sexual exploitation policy officer. I don't believe that women should be bought and sold. I don't believe that women should be used for sex and I think that women are made for purpose and not for purchase.

"Decriminalisation would lay out a welcome mat to sex traffickers who would see a business opportunity. These women aren't marketed any differently. You don't go on to a site and see, okay you're here by choice or you are here as a result of coercion.

Asked about how society could make prostitution safe, she added:

"We can't make it safe. Prostitution is in and of itself inherently harmful. The very existence of the commercial sex industry creates a marketplace for women. They are essentially being raped for profit."

"We need to be listening to the voices of those are exploited in the industry... I would rather be anti-exploitation and contribute to a society in which women are valued".

You can watch the full interview below.

Are You Pro-Sex Work Or Anti-Sex Work? | Would You Rather | Channel 4

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