
Rise in people seeking help for addiction to child pornography

The pandemic has prompted a rise in people seeking help for addiction to child pornography, an anti abuse charity has revealed.

Stop It Now! experienced a significant increase in reports involving an interest in sexual images of children in 2021.

The charity operates an anonymous helpline for anyone with concerns about child sexual abuse, including those who want help with addiction.

The number of people seeking help to stop viewing sexual images of children rose by 107% last year to over 165,000.

Donald Findlater, director of the Stop It Now! helpline, stressed that an interest in 'mainstream' pornography can lead people to become desensitised and seek out "more extreme" content:

“Many of the people contacting our helpline started out simply looking on mainstream adult pornography sites, but over time they found they needed different or more extreme content.

"Some don’t know the law and need it spelling out. A few are struggling with a long-standing sexual interest in children and think that looking at ‘only pictures’ is a way of managing that interest.

“Everyone needs to know that looking at sexual images and videos of under 18s is illegal; that children are harmed by it; that serious consequences await those involved in it".

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Deputy Chief Constable Ian Critchley, National Police Chiefs’ Council lead for child protection, emphasised the harm being done to children:

“Behind each of these images is a real child who is being abused and every view only creates more demand for these appalling offences. This is not a victimless crime and it is vital that anyone worried about what they are doing online comes forward and seeks help.

"We are committed to targeting the perpetrators of these crimes and bringing them to justice. If you think you can’t be found – you’re wrong. Just like the harm to victims, the consequences of offending can last a lifetime– you could lose your job, your family, and will be imprisoned and registered as a sex offender.

“Anyone worried about their own or a loved one’s online behaviour should seek support from the Stop It Now! helpline. You can stop your behaviour before it’s too late – or we will do our utmost to stop you.”
