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Marriage makes you happier, according to new study

Marriage and Family
16 May 2019
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Marriage and health are better indicators of personal happiness than how much money you earn, according to a new survey by the Office of National Statistics (ONS).

People who felt satisfied in life put health as the biggest reason, followed by a steady marriage.

In fact, this new data shows that marriage has overtaken having a job in the list of indicators people point to explain their levels of well-being.

Marriage matters more to people

The ONS first began doing happiness ratings in 2011 and this latest study covers October 2017 to September 2018. People are asked to give marks out of ten for how happy they are, how satisfied with their lives and how far they feel their lives are worthwhile and how anxious they are.

According to the ONS, the latest study shows that: “marital status appears to matter more for people’s life satisfaction than it did six years before, while economic activity contributed less.”

Married people rated their satisfaction level 9.9% higher than widows and widowers and 8.8% higher than divorced or separated people.

Marriage: a mixed picture

Recent research from the Marriage Foundation found that newlyweds are the least likely to get divorced since 1969.

But the UK has falling marriage rates and there are considerable financial and cultural barriers which put people off getting married.

One key area CARE has worked on is in relation to the current tax system which we believe presents a financial barrier to many couples.

That’s why we’ve campaigned for an extended marriage tax break, which at the moment is set at a mere 10%.

I’m going to stick with you: Lyndon and Celia’s story

All this week its National Marriage Week 2019 and at CARE, we produced this short film with our Chairman Lyndon Bowring and his wife Celia. They’ve been married for 45 years and they reflect back on some of the highs and lows of married life together.

Find out more

Read CARE's most recent research paper into how the tax system penalises families

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Marriage and Family

Strong families are foundational to a healthy society. Marriages too are vital, representing the gold standard of commitment. CARE is committed to upholding both.

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