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Religious Liberty
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Religious Liberty
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Northern Ireland Hate Crime Review Raises Serious Free Speech Concerns

3 December 2020

This week, a review into Northern Ireland's hate crime legislation was published. It's a long document, some 997 pages and it makes a total of 34 recommendations.

Religious Liberty
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Hate Crime Bill: MSPs To Vote on 15 December

30 November 2020

Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs) will vote on the Scottish Government's controversial hate crime bill on 15 December.

Religious Liberty
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New Poll Reveals Free Speech Crisis At Universities

25 November 2020

More than a quarter of students 'self censor' their view at university, while a staggering 40% withhold their views on ethical/religious matters for fear they will be judged.

Religious Liberty
Humza Yousaf MSP

Hate Crime Bill: Scottish Gov Open Minded’ to further Changes

24 November 2020

The Scottish Government is keeping an open mind about further changes to its highly controversial hate crime bill, the Justice Secretary Humza Yousaf has said.

Religious Liberty
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Law Commission: Criminalise Hate Speech’ in Homes in England and Wales

13 November 2020

The threshold for hate crimes to be committed should be lowered in England and Wales and ‘hate speech’ should be criminalised even in the privacy of people’s homes.

Religious Liberty
Police scotland 1400x788

Scots Hate Crime Bill: People Could Be Put Through The Mill’ To Prove Innocence

11 November 2020

The Scottish Government’s controversial Hate Crime Bill will mean people will need to go to extreme lengths to prove their innocence, critics have warned.


Religious Liberty

The right to freedom of religion or belief is a fundamental human right. We are campaigning to safeguard these freedoms in our society.

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