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New Poll Reveals Free Speech Crisis At Universities

Religious Liberty
25 November 2020
Censored 1

More than a quarter of students 'self censor' their view at university, while a staggering 40% withhold their views on ethical/religious matters for fear they will be judged.

These disturbing findings were published in the Mail on Sunday and come from a Survation poll for ADF International.

More than half of those who self-ceoncored did so because of their political views.

Free Speech Cam­paign­ers Respond

In response, free speech campaigners have spoken out.

Matthew Goodwin, Professor of Politics at the University of Kent said:

We need to keep our world-leading universities as free as possible and we need students and the people teaching them to feel that they can debate, discuss and exchange ideas and perspectives from different angles.If we lose that, we're going to lose what it is that makes our universities great in the first place. Freedom of speech is a fundamental aspect of our national identity.'
Matthew Goodwin

Director of ADF International, a faith-based, legal advocacy group, Ryan Christopher said:

Of all places, university is where students should be free to debate and explore ideas – especially those with which they disagree. Institutional policies and practices can suggest that even mainstream views are beyond the pale.
Ryan Christopher

The poll received 1,028 responses from current university students and recent graduates across the country.

It also showed that 44% believe lectures would treat them differently if they expressed publicly views important to them.

Meanwhile, two fifths of those questioned said 'no-platforming' had become more common while they'd been at university.

'Today's censorship on campus can easily become cancel culture in the public square.
Ryan Christopher ADF International

CARE Team Dis­cuss Free Speech

Watch James, Nola and Lyndon discuss free speech in a CARE Session, last summer

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Religious Liberty

The right to freedom of religion or belief is a fundamental human right. We are campaigning to safeguard these freedoms in our society.

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