CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

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Marriage and Family
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Controversial no-fault divorce plans delayed by six months

8 June 2021

Government legislation to allow no-fault divorce will not come into force this year due to a number of ‘technical issues’, the UK Government has said.

Marriage and Family
smiling parents and child eat together at a table

Dramatic reduction in family breakdown in Britain thanks to stronger marriages, new evidence shows

3 March 2021

According to the latest statistics on British families and households, stronger marriages have led to a dramatic reduction in family breakdown over the last decade.

Marriage and Family
family of four baking together

MPs hear evidence on how the tax system treats families unfairly

23 February 2021

This week, the 13th annual The Taxation of UK Families 2019 Report by CARE and Tax and the Family was launched.

Marriage and Family
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CARE publishes new guide to relationships and sex education

2 February 2021

In March 2017 Parliament voted to change the way sex education is taught in schools in England, introducing the new subject of relationships education in primary schools and changing sex education at…

Marriage and Family
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Pornography linked to domestic violence, warn Peers

5 January 2021

The Domestic Abuse Bill (DAB) received further scrutiny in the House of Lords this week as it continues its journey to becoming law.

Marriage and Family
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Welsh parents set to lose sex-ed right of withdrawal after Parliament vote

17 December 2020

Parental rights suffered a signficiant blow after the Welsh Parliament voted 41-10 in favour of new legislation which will fundamentally change the roles of parents and the state in respect to education…


Marriage and Family

Strong families are foundational to a healthy society. Marriages too are vital, representing the gold standard of commitment. CARE is committed to upholding both.

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