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Marriage and Family
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Working Life and Family Life – Making Ends Meet?

20 September 2011

Recently published research from leading children’s charity UNICEF suggests that whilst children in the UK seem to do well materially, they crave more contact with their parents. In other words, parents, for…

Marriage and Family
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Does Work Really Pay?

9 September 2011

It seems that, for as long as Government has existed, there has been a debate about how we help improve the lives of the poor (i.e. those eligible for welfare payments), whether…

Marriage and Family
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Cameron Must Re-engage with Broken Society Agenda and Crisis of Fatherlessness says CARE as Parliament Reconvenes

11 August 2011

PRESS RELEASE 11th August 2011

Marriage and Family
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Families and the income tax system – why recognition matters

8 August 2011

Consider the following scenario: you are a single person, earning an annual wage (pre-tax) of £20,000. Now, according to some snazzy software produced by the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS)1, taking council…

Marriage and Family
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Families potentially face a sizeable fall in living standards, warns Paul Johnson of the IFS

1 August 2011

It sounds worrying, doesn’t it? Every time we turn on the TV, connect to the internet or read a newspaper we seem to be given dire warnings about the precarious state of…

Marriage and Family
Family 26 Tax 28p129 0 3

Marriage Matters

22 July 2011

An article which appeared in the Daily Telegraph on Tuesday quoted from a study by the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) which suggested that marriage isn’t all that David Cameron and the…


Marriage and Family

Strong families are foundational to a healthy society. Marriages too are vital, representing the gold standard of commitment. CARE is committed to upholding both.

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