CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

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Marriage and Family
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Transferable allowances for married couples on the statute book

1 August 2014

CARE has long campaigned for the recognition of marriage in the tax system through the introduction of transferable allowances, allowing a stay at home spouse to transfer their tax allowance to a…

Marriage and Family
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Marriage allowance welcomed by charity as step towards removing tax system bias

9 April 2014

PRESS RELEASE - CARE warmly welcomes the fact that Parliament has today voted for the provision of transferable allowances for married couples and encourages MPs to support a move towards a fully…

Marriage and Family
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CARE welcomes transferable allowance, but warns against assault on one-earner families

19 March 2014

PRESS RELEASE -The social policy charity CARE has warmly welcomed today’s Budget announcement on the introduction of a transferable allowance for married couples which means family responsibility will be recognised within the…

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George Osborne’s personal allowance failing families says latest CARE report

11 March 2014

CARE’s new report – the taxation of families – international comparisons 2012 – was the subject of a briefing held in Parliament today hosted by the Lord Bishop of Chester, the Rt…

Marriage and Family
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CARE launches latest Taxation of Families report

10 March 2014

A new report published today by CARE analyses the tax burden placed on families across the OECD and concludes that the British tax system punishes one-earner families.

Marriage and Family
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Transferable tax allowance more help to struggling families than raising personal allowances, says former Chancellor Nigel Lawson

24 October 2013

PRESS RELEASE- Margaret Thatcher’s former Chancellor, Nigel Lawson has strongly backed David Cameron’s plans to introduce tax breaks for some married couples before the next election, but warned they must be embedded…


Marriage and Family

Strong families are foundational to a healthy society. Marriages too are vital, representing the gold standard of commitment. CARE is committed to upholding both.

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