CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

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Marriage and Family
Blurred crowd 5

Sunday trading | the calm before the storm?

13 November 2015

A week is a long time in politics – or so the saying goes. This has certainly proved true this week in the ever-shifting saga of the Government’s proposals to further liberalise…

Marriage and Family
Family of 4 28329 2r

Sunday Trading update

9 November 2015

The Government is pursuing plans to devolve responsibility for Sunday trading to local authorities and mayors which could lead to large stores opening for longer hours on a Sunday.

Marriage and Family
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Same-sex marriage fails to pass in Northern Ireland

2 November 2015

A motion to legalise same-sex marriage in Northern Ireland has fallen after a majority of Unionists voted against the plans.

Marriage and Family
Premier 1 d5

James Mildred interviewed on Premier Christian Radio

26 October 2015

CARE spokesman James Mildred has been interviewed on Premier Christian Radio. He was responding to news that the government had postponed plans to phase in slashing cuts to tax credits.

Marriage and Family
Family of 4 28229 0

No plans to soften blow of tax credit cuts

14 October 2015

The Financial Secretary to the Treasury today refused to reveal details of measures that might compensate families who will miss out due to the Chancellor's tax credit cuts. Appearing on BBC's Daily…

Marriage and Family
Family and Society 3zc

Family breakdown: 10 statistics that make grim reading

12 October 2015

During his recent speech at Conservative Party Conference, the Prime Minister said more teens have a Smartphone than live with their father. He was referring to statistics from the Marriage Foundation. In…


Marriage and Family

Strong families are foundational to a healthy society. Marriages too are vital, representing the gold standard of commitment. CARE is committed to upholding both.

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