CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

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Marriage and Family
Family 5

Marriage Week 2023: Tax shake-up can ease unfair” financial burden on families

14 February 2023

Ministers should reform the UK’s “individualised” tax system to ease the burden on British families, including married couples with children, campaigners say.

Marriage and Family
Welby Synod

Church of England votes for blessings” on same-sex relationships

9 February 2023

The Church of England's General Synod, have voted to allow church "blessings" on same-sex marriages and civil partnerships.

Marriage and Family
Care placeholder green

Church of England Synod approves blessings” on same-sex marriages

6 February 2023

The Church of England (CofE) will debate strongly-contested proposals to allow "blessings" on same-sex marriages and civil partnerships in its churches, at a meeting of its ruling body the General Synod this…

Marriage and Family
Welby Synod

Welby: I’d rather see CofE disestablished than a split over same-sex marriage

2 February 2023

The Archbishop of Canterbury has said he'd rather see the Church of England (CofE) disestablished than a split over the issue of marriage.

Marriage and Family
Welby Synod

CofE blocks same-sex weddings but approves blessings” for non-marriage relationships

20 January 2023

The Church of England (CofE) has rejected a bid to allow same-sex marriages in its churches but approved blessings for people in sexual relationships outside the marriage covenant.

Marriage and Family

Prime Minister: family runs through vision of better future

5 January 2023

In his new year speech, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said that ‘family matters’ and pledged to roll out Family Hubs to offer parents support in raising children.


Marriage and Family

Strong families are foundational to a healthy society. Marriages too are vital, representing the gold standard of commitment. CARE is committed to upholding both.

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