CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

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Marriage and Family
Bbc news 8

Gordon Macdonald quoted by the BBC

8 March 2016

CARE for Scotland's Gordon Macdonald has been quoted on the BBC Scotland website in a news piece on the Named Person appeal. Gordon was explaining some of CARE's objections to the Scottish…

Marriage and Family
Holyrood2 2 16

Leading Christian charity calls for dangerous’ Named Person scheme to be scrapped

8 March 2016

The Scottish Government must scrap the flawed Named Person scheme or at least redraft the law to bring it into line with international human right obligations according to CARE for Scotland.

Marriage and Family
Premier Christian Radio 0

13 of working mothers would rather be stay-at-home mums

4 March 2016

More than a third of working mothers would rather be at home to look after their children but feel they cannot afford to do so according to a new survey.

Marriage and Family
Cameron and Osborne 0

Chancellor and PM ignore Church fears over Sunday trading

2 March 2016

The Chancellor and the Prime Minister have both dismissed fears expressed by leading church leaders from England and Wales over the impact of the government's Sunday trading proposals.

Marriage and Family
David Robertson 4

Free Church Moderator: SNP support for Sunday trading an absolute disgrace’

1 March 2016

The Moderator of the Free Church of Scotland, Rev David Robertson has blasted the SNP over their apparent U-turn on Sunday trading.

Online Safety
Christian Today larger bk logo 1 0

Nola Leach quoted on Christian Today

25 February 2016

Comments made by CARE Chief Executive Nola Leach have been picked up by Christian Today. Nola was speaking about a looming vote on Sunday trading set to take place in the House…


Marriage and Family

Strong families are foundational to a healthy society. Marriages too are vital, representing the gold standard of commitment. CARE is committed to upholding both.

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