CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

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Marriage and Family
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Named Person scheme is unlawful’

28 July 2016

The Scottish Government’s Named Person scheme is ‘unlawful’ according to the Supreme Court as family campaigners won a stunning and historic victory today.

Marriage and Family
The Express 1

Gordon Macdonald quoted in Sunday Express on Named Person

5 June 2016

CARE for Scotland spokesman Dr Gordon Macdonald has been quoted in the Sunday Express. Gordon was discussing concerns about child protection in Scotland following the tragic death of a toddler in Fife.…

Marriage and Family
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Gordon MacDonald writes in the Scotsman

3 June 2016

CARE for Scotland policy officer Dr Gordon Macdonald has had a letter printed in the Scotsman today. Appearing both online and in print, Gordon says the Scottish Government's Named Person scheme is…

Marriage and Family
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New report shows 15 UK couples close to break up

26 May 2016

A new study from the charity Relate has revealed one in five UK couples are in ‘distressing’ relationships.

Marriage and Family
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Dan Boucher discusses benefits of marriage with TWR

25 May 2016

CARE's Director of Parliamentary Affairs, Dr Dan Boucher has spoken to TWR about the benefits of marriage in society. He was speaking after a new report by the charity Relate showed 1/5…

Marriage and Family
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CARE’s marriage tax work mentioned on Conservative Home

10 May 2016

CARE's longstanding work in calling for a fully transferable marriage tax allowance was referenced in a piece by the editor of Conservative Home. Paul Goodman was arguing that the Prime Minister should…


Marriage and Family

Strong families are foundational to a healthy society. Marriages too are vital, representing the gold standard of commitment. CARE is committed to upholding both.

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