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Marriage and Family
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Divorce Bill halted as new stats reveal impact of online divorce petitions

12 September 2019

It has been all but confirmed by the Government that the Divorce Bill introduced earlier this year has fallen as a result of Parliament being prorogued.

Marriage and Family
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ONS Stats reveal alarming rise in cohabiting couple families

2 September 2019

Information released recently from the Office for National Statistics has revealed a significant growth in the number of cohabiting couple families in the UK.

Marriage and Family
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Denmark moves to make divorce harder – in stark contrast to Westminster

3 July 2019

While the Government at Westminster is rushing through the biggest shake-up to divorce law in England and Wales for 50 years, another European country is moving in a very different direction.

Marriage and Family
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Controversial Divorce Bill is being rushed through Parliament

2 July 2019

The Government’s controversial Divorce Dissolution and Settlement Bill is being rushed through Parliament, without enough time for adequate scrutiny.

Marriage and Family
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Minister admits divorce law changes will lead to spike in divorce rate

26 June 2019

The Justice Secretary has admitted that the Government’s new divorce law changes will lead to a spike in divorces, something CARE warned about when the plans were first announced.

Marriage and Family
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Government rushes ahead with no-reason divorce Bill

14 June 2019

Yesterday the Government rushed ahead with its proposed reforms to divorce law tabling the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Bill. This bill would remove the fault part of divorce meaning we will essentially…


Marriage and Family

Strong families are foundational to a healthy society. Marriages too are vital, representing the gold standard of commitment. CARE is committed to upholding both.

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