CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

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Marriage and Family
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Divorce bill needs to be changed to treat both parties equally

5 February 2020

Today the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Bill (HL) will have its Second Reading in the Lords. This is the first serious opportunity for Peers to consider the Government’s bill to introduce ‘no-fault’…

Marriage and Family
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Welsh parents set to lose right to withdraw from RSE lessons

23 January 2020

Welsh Parents are set to lose the right to withdraw their children from Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) after the Welsh Government announced plans to make RSE compulsory for all school students…

Marriage and Family
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Damaging No-Fault Divorce Bill Makes Unwelcome Return

8 January 2020

In the Queen’s Speech just a few weeks ago, the Government announced they intend to bring back their no-fault divorce Bill in the new Parliament.

Marriage and Family
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Parliamentary Committee says two-child limit disproportionately affects faith communities

5 November 2019

On Sunday the Work and Pensions Committee released a report on the two-child limit in the benefits system, highlighting how it disproportionately affects faith communities and families in Northern Ireland.

Marriage and Family
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Government reintroduces damaging Divorce Bill

17 October 2019

The breathing space provided by the prorogation of Parliament has sadly not been used well, with the Government pushing ahead once again with their damaging divorce bill.

Marriage and Family
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Good parenting reduces anti-social behaviour, new study suggests

3 October 2019

New research from Kings College London has indicated that children with antisocial behaviour who don’t feel close to their parents cost significantly more to the public purse than those who feel supported…


Marriage and Family

Strong families are foundational to a healthy society. Marriages too are vital, representing the gold standard of commitment. CARE is committed to upholding both.

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