CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

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Marriage and Family
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Top England Rugby Player: Young people should get married rather than living together

17 August 2020

Young people should get married rather than just cohabiting together, a star of Rugby Union has said.

Marriage and Family
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Family and work life in a pandemic

6 August 2020

The last five months has brought about massive changes in work and family life for millions in the UK. Only a small minority of children have been at school, a large majority…

Marriage and Family
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MPs warn PM about big rebellion over Sunday trading proposals

22 June 2020

The Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been warned by his own MPs that he will face a rebellion in the house of Commons if he tries to liberalise Sunday trading laws.

Marriage and Family
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No-Fault Divorce Bill to become law as MPs vote overwhelmingly against marriage support

18 June 2020

The Government's controversial no-fault divorce reforms for England and Wales will soon become law after the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Bill was rushed through all remaining stages in the House of Commons…

Marriage and Family
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No Fault Divorce Bill moves a step closer to becoming law

9 June 2020

Yesterday the Government's Divorce Bill moved one step closer to becoming law as it passed its 2nd Reading in the House of Commons.

Marriage and Family
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CARE calls on the Govt to protect marriage

9 June 2020

The Government should prioritise investing in relationship support services to help couples stay together, rather than making divorce easier, CARE has said.


Marriage and Family

Strong families are foundational to a healthy society. Marriages too are vital, representing the gold standard of commitment. CARE is committed to upholding both.

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