Write to your MP about assisted suicide

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Labour MP Kim Leadbeater is taking an assisted suicide Bill through the House of Commons. We're acutely concerned about this. Assisted suicide would be a seismic, and negative, ethical change comparable to the Abortion Act 1967.

Please remember to:

  • Use your own words
  • Avoid hyperbolic or overly emotive language
  • Speak the truth in love. (cf. Eph 4:15).
Take Action

Write to your MP about assisted suicide

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You can write to your MP using our email template - please use your own words as far as possible

You can write to your MP using the template below - please use your own words as far as possible

Your MP is:



Your action means the Member of Parliament is better informed and aware of the important issues surrounding this bill.

Thank you for standing with us.

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Ross Hendry
Ross Hendry CEO of CARE
Thank you for stand­ing up for the vul­ner­able and declar­ing the intrins­ic dig­nity and value of every per­son, made in God’s image.