Ask MSPs to oppose assisted suicide

Liam McArthur MSP has introduced assisted suicide legislation to the Scottish Parliament. We're acutely concerned about this. Legal assisted suicide would be a seismic, and negative, ethical change comparable to the Abortion Act 1967.
It's important that MSPs hear from their constituents. We've set up this web page to make contacting your MSPs as easy as possible. You'll find information below on how to contact them, and tips on what you should say. Please don't copy and paste these points. It is most persuasive to write to politicians using your own words.
If you feel able to share one, powerful, personal stories will make a huge difference. Stories of good palliative and end of life care are especially important. Even if you don't have a story, sharing your opposition to a change in the law will still help.
Please remember to:
- Use your own words
- Avoid hyperbolic or overly emotive language
- Speak the truth in love. (cf. Eph 4:15).
Write to MSPs about assisted suicide
To find out who your MSPs are, visit Write To Them and type in your postcode. This will generate a page detailing you constituency MSP, and seven regional MSPs. Click on your MSP's name to generate an email template to fill in and send.
Make sure you also click on the option which says 'write to all your regional MSPs'. The content of this email will go to the seven MSPs who represent your region. If you receive replies from them, please let us know by emailing:
Tips on what to say (please use your own words):
- Assisted suicide is divisive and dangerous. Palliative medicine provides is a safe and effective way to help people who are seriously ill.
- If assisted suicide is legalised, it will change the doctor/patient relationship, destroying the historic bond of trust that has existed.
- Vulnerable people would feel pressured to end their lives for fear of being a burden, or because they lack access to support.
- The experience of other countries shows that laws can expand as other people demand access - even for mental health conditions.
- In places where assisted suicide is legal, physicians are prescribing dangerous and untested drug cocktails. Many patients who ingest them experience distressing complications and sometimes, prolonged death of up to 104 hours. With such evidence, how can we legalise assisted suicide?
- Legalising assisted suicide would put the most vulnerable at risk of coercion and abuse. We need more assisted living, not assisted dying.