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  1. Trafficking fence phil botha 20 Vf F v0 GZY unsplash 1 75e96828b1daec1091485ff3dd6fdc66
    CARE warns Govt overlooking impact of small boats plans on modern slavery victims

    Human Trafficking

  2. Refugee fence gefd4d1f82 1280 Pixabay free stock images
    Read Ross' letter on the Illegal Migration Bill

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  1. Ben blennerhassett L7 JGC bg Wy U unsplash
    Government faces staunch opposition to small boats bill

    Human Trafficking

  1. Refugee fence gefd4d1f82 1280 Pixabay free stock images
    Ex Tory MP: Government migration bill will harm modern slavery fight

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  1. Refugee fence gefd4d1f82 1280 Pixabay free stock images
    Illegal Migration Bill will harm modern slavery victims MPs warn

    Human Trafficking

  2. Trafficking fence phil botha 20 Vf F v0 GZY unsplash 1
    Press release: CARE warns Illegal Migration Bill could harm human trafficking fight

    Human Trafficking

  3. Map of Ukraine with flag
    Press release: Ukrainians face trafficking threat one year after war broke out

    Human Trafficking

  1. Girl 0
    Ukraine refugees still face trafficking threat

    Human Trafficking

  2. Trafficking 4
    Sector alarm over missing migrant children, modern slavery rhetoric

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  3. Trafficking 4
    Trafficking victims not referred for support

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