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The Southport stabbings and far-right protests: a Christian response


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  1. Assisted suicide photo 5
    Eating disorders used as grounds for assisted suicide in multiple cases

    Assisted Suicide

  2. Transgender
    Telegraph: Trans activists putting children at risk


  1. Legal challenge over university free speech law

    Freedom of Speech

  1. Assisted Suicide Title Image 1 min
    Scots assisted suicide bill would endanger dementia sufferers

    Assisted Suicide

  1. Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson
    Labour plans to halt free speech law despite a rise in harassment of pro-life students

    Freedom of Speech

  1. Close up doctor 0
    BMA calls for ban on puberty blockers to be reversed


  2. Gambling shirt sponsor Fulham CA 1
    Call to ban gambling sponsors in UK sport as hidden harms are revealed


  3. Assisted suicide dominoes 0 8
    British public have serious doubts over assisted suicide

    Assisted Suicide

  1. Scotland flag
    Poll shows that Scottish Christians are left feeling unsupported by government

    Freedom of Speech

  2. Couple hospital bed end of life
    Opposition to the progress on Assisted Dying Bill

    Assisted Suicide

  3. Secondary school pupils
    CofE's new gender and sexuality guidance for school's sparks concern
