Assisted Suicide

Scotland assisted suicide Bill: 'Right to die' could become 'duty to die', warns CARE

Press release: CARE for Scotland has urged MSPs to oppose new assisted suicide legislation, saying the “right to die” could become a “duty to die”.

Speaking as Liam McArthur MSP’s bill to allow assisted suicide was introduced to Holyrood, Michael Veitch, Scotland Policy Officer, said:

“The evidence of assisted suicide’s dangers is significant and has not changed since past debates in the Scottish Parliament. In fact, it has grown significantly given events in jurisdictions such as Canada. If this practice becomes an option for patients in Scotland, the ‘right to die’ could become a ‘duty to die’ for those who feel they are a burden.

“Terminal prognoses are fraught. Coercion of patients is impossible to rule out, as is expansion of legislation. Expert doctors warn that end-of-life care would be severely impacted. And disabled people warn that ‘assisted dying’ sends a regressive message about their quality of life. We urge MSPs in all parties to reject this bill at the earliest possible stage.”


Notes for Editors

CARE for Scotland is a social policy charity, bringing Christian insight to the policies and laws that affect our lives.

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