Assisted Suicide

Glasgow Disability Alliance says Assisted Dying Bill puts pressure on disabled people to die

Empty wheelchair by hospital sofa

Glasgow Disability Alliance (GDA), Scotland’s largest disability organisation, warns the proposed assisted suicide laws will not provide “enough protections and guarantees to stop disabled people being helped or pressured to die.”

McArthur’s Assisted Dying Bill is now the third attempt for a change in assisted suicide laws in Scotland.

The GDA says that such proposals cause disabled Scots to feel they are a “burden”.

The CEO of the GDA, Tressa Burke shares that the cost of living is already having a detrimental effect on disabled people across Scotland.

She says they are already dying in higher numbers “because of poverty, cuts to social care services and failing mental health services. And of course, due to Covid.” And that their rights are being “decimated”.

According to Burke, “In March of this year, over £21m was cut from Glasgow’s social care budget, leaving many disabled people without essential support to eat, wash or go to the toilet.

“In the context of this complete disregard and dehumanisation of disabled people’s lives, there is no amount of safeguarding within the legislation that could offer enough protections to stop disabled people being pressured into assisted dying when no health, social care or other support is available.

“I have attended far too many funerals of GDA members who have died prematurely because of poverty and inequalities, including some who have taken their own lives due to state failures to support disabled people."

Ms Burke said the consequences of the legislation would be "that disabled people hear a message that we are a burden and feel a pressure to make the ‘choice’ to die."

She added: “Instead, disabled people need support to live full and enriched lives, alongside our neighbours, families and communities.”

Liberal Democrat MSP Liam McArthur insists that his Assisted Dying Bill is “measured and compassionate”, and only open to those who are terminally ill.

Opposition to the Bill continues to grow with First Minister Humza Yousaf and Health Secretary Michael Matheson adding their names to those who are against a change in the law.


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