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Stonewall, Mermaids contributing to sensitive policies for NHS Trusts

14 August 2023
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Controversial charity Stonewall has contributed towards sensitive gender policies at a number of NHS trusts, it has emerged.

Ministers shared their anger that 30 trusts have allowed the LGBT rights charity to write policies on equality and caring for patients who describe themselves as transgender.

Health Secretary Steve Barclay was reportedly ‘appalled’ that some NHS managers have brought Stonewall in, despite government guidance urging against outside advice being sought.

It has been reported that the charity Mermaids, which promotes "child transitioning", is also among groups that have contributed towards National Health Service policies.

A source close to Steve Barclay said:

“The Health Secretary has been clear that equality issues in healthcare services should be dealt with by normal management processes rather than by bringing in external providers.

“He is appalled to hear some managers are failing to respond and will be discussing with officials what further steps to take. NHS trusts and other health bodies should be relentlessly focused on caring for all patients and cutting waiting lists, not wasting time and money on woke virtue-signalling.”

The founder of the Women’s Rights Network has said the guidance produced by NHS trusts includes the “language of gender ideology”, and that it presents “the law as Stonewall would like it to be, not how it is”.

Conservative MP Nick Fletcher said: “It’s unacceptable that the NHS continues to place the safety and privacy of women at risk because of ideological capture by a tiny but vocal lobbying group”.

Many public sector bodies, including the Department for Health and Social Care, has quit Stonewall’s ‘diversity champions’ advisory scheme in recent years.

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