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Call to improve assisted suicide reporting

Assisted Suicide
29 August 2023
Woman in hospital bed

CARE has called for media outlets covering the issue of assisted suicide to signpost to support services for vulnerable readers.

Speaking after a fresh round of media coverage this week Michael Veitch, a spokesman for the charity, said:

“There's been fresh coverage of assisted suicide at the start of this week, including a story about a UK woman who wants to travel abroad to take her own life.

“We would encourage all mainstream outlets covering this issue to signpost to support services for people at risk of suicide who could be deeply affected by this coverage. Many outlets do signpost to organisations that help vulnerable people as a matter of course, and we’d like to see this across all UK outlets."

Mr Veitch also expressed concern about the language used in coverage of the issue. He added:

“We also wish to put on record our opposition to the term ‘assisted dying’, a campaigning term that has no standing in law. Campaigners want to see lethal medication given to people so they can end their lives - something radically different from existing end-of-life care. ‘Assisted suicide’ is a more accurate and honest term for what is involved in activists’ proposals.”


Notes for Editors

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Assisted Suicide

Where assisted suicide is legal, it makes vulnerable people feel like a burden. CARE works to uphold laws that protect those people, and to assist them to live—not to commit suicide.

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