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Andrew Tate and his brother boasted about “slave” girls

Human Trafficking
31 August 2023
Andrew Tate

Misogynistic influencer Andrew Tate and his brother boasted about “slave” girls they used in the production of pornographic material, and their accomplice threatened to “break their teeth”, according to evidence compiled by their Romanian prosecutors.

Other evidence indicates at least one women suffered an eye injury, and Tate has himself been charged with rape, which he denies.

He and his brother Tristan are also on trial in Romania for human trafficking. It is alleged that after they manipulated women to go to a house in Bucharest, they then forced them to produce material for the pornographic subscription site OnlyFans.

The prosecutors allege - using transcribed audio messages - that Tristan Tate said that he did not want the women to have access to their accounts, so that he could use their money:

“I want that money to be used by me and you, screw them…Mainly I’m going to slave these *******...I’m going to make them work even more hours and hours and hours” the transcript says.

Their accomplice Georgiana Naghel controlled access to the OnlyFans money, and allegedly paid the women a fixed sum each month without revealing how much they had actually earned.

The files allege that Ms Naghel threatened the women via text, saying that she would “break your teeth” and that they would “end up in the morgue”.

The Tates reportedly also financially punished the women for things like wiping their nose while on screen or crying online.

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Human Trafficking

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