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Pornhub Owners: make porn 'normal' and 'boring'

Online Safety
27 June 2023
Internet communication 0 0

Governments around the world should stop cracking down on pornographic websites and instead make porn 'normal' and 'boring', according to Pornhub owners.

Solomon Friedman, founder of the Ethical Capital Partners, who bought Pornhub's parent MindGeek, said we should celebrate sexual expression and talk more openly about it.

He was prompted to speak out after French President Emmanuel Macron made protecting children from online porn a priority.

The American state of Utah has also introduced tough new age verification laws, requiring age checks to stop under 18s accessing adult content.

Pornhub retaliated by banning all residents in Utah, claiming the state-wide law was not the 'most effective solution for protecting children'.

Meanwhile in the UK, politicians are still debating the Online Safety Bill which contains age checks on online porn sites.

Questions remain about when these age checks will be properly implemented.

Commenting, CARE's Director of Communications and Engagement, James Mildred, said:

Let's be really clear: there's nothing normal or boring about pornography. It is utterly degrading and undermines human dignity. It takes something that is sacred and portrays is a benign form of entertainment. It hides a world of exploitation, where women especially and men are simply objectified. We fully support moves to introduce age verification which is long overdue. We urge the UK Government to implement the age verification elements of the Online Safety Bill in a timely fashion once the Bill receives Royal Assent.
James Mildred CARE
Discover how age verification on porn sites will work

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