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Government's free speech champion warns "democracy is at stake"

2 June 2023
Demonstration of free speech

Professor Arif Ahmed, a lecturer at the University of Cambridge, has been appointed by the Government as the director for freedom of speech and academic freedom at the Office for Students.

Professor Ahmed, now responsible for promoting free speech at universities and overseeing breaches of the new Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act, has warned “democracy is at stake”.

Writing for The Times, Professor Ahmed said:

“We settle disputes by discussion, not censorship or violence. Today that idea is fading... Universities must defend it. Democracy is at stake.”
Professor Arif Ahmed

He added that, without “freedom to explore” controversial ideas, “a university is nothing”.

“These freedoms are worth fighting for... There are urgent threats to free speech and academic freedom in our universities. We must use all means necessary to address them.

“New legislation means universities and colleges must promote, and take steps to secure, academic freedom and free speech within the law.

“Free speech for just one side is not free speech at all. Free speech for all sides benefits all sides.”
Professor Arif Ahmed

Possible breaches of the Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act could include cancelling talks because of political pressure or disciplining a lecturer for their twitter activity.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak also emphasised the importance of freedom of speech, stating:

“A free society requires free debate. We should all be encouraged to engage respectfully with the ideas of others.

“University should be an environment where debate is supported, not stifled.

“A tolerant society is one which allows us to understand those we disagree with, and nowhere is that more important than within our great universities.”
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

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