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Andrew Tate charged with human trafficking

22 June 2023
Human trafficking 4 7

Andrew Tate has been charged in Romania with human trafficking, rape and involvement in an organised crime group set up to sexually exploit women.

Tate, one of the most controversial figures on the internet, has denied the allegations, stating:

“I love this country … and I look forward to being found innocent.”
Andrew Tate

His brother, Tristan, along with two other associates, are facing the same charges.

Last December, the brothers were arrested at their Bucharest home, and were moved to house arrest earlier this year.

The Bucharest court said that, in 2021 the four defendants formed an organised crime group to commit human trafficking in Romania, as well as in the US and UK.

The indictment lists seven names who were allegedly recruited by the Tate brothers through false promises of marriage.

The victims were later taken to Ilfov where they were, “intimidated, placed under constant surveillance and control and forced into debt," according to a statement given by the Romanian prosecutors.

There are also separate charges against the brothers of money laundering and trafficking of minors which are still under investigation.

The trial is expected to take several years.

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