CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

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Single-sex schools will be allowed to reject transgender applicants

18 April 2023
Picture of a teacher and his class

Single-sex schools will likely be allowed to block applications from transgender pupils under new guidance from the Department of Education (DofE).

This would mean an all girls schools would be allowed to stop a biological male who identifies as a girl from joining.

The document is also expected to say that teachers do not need to use the preferred pronoun of the pupil.

Headteachers have complained about a lack of guidance on how to relate to transgender pupils.

Last month, a landmark report from the Policy Exchange exposed the fact that many schools were affirming gender changes amongst pupils, without consulting or informing the children's parents.

Concerns have been growing for some time that activists with an 'affirming' ideology towards transgender pupils have infiltrated schools, with the reality of biological sex reduced to an opinion, rather than taught as scientific fact.

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