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Euthanasia to include children of all ages in Netherlands

Assisted Suicide
17 April 2023
Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia 28p129 3 0

The Netherlands has extended its euthanasia regulations, making it possible for doctors to assist the death of terminally ill children under 12 who are suffering “unbearably and without hope”.

The Government stated the new rules were for those “whom palliative care options are not sufficient to alleviate their suffering” and for “such serious illness or disorder that death is inevitable”.

Writing in a letter to the Dutch Parliament, Health Minister Ernst Kuipers, confirmed that euthanasia will be possible “when it is the only reasonable alternative for a doctor to end the desperate and unbearable suffering of the child.”

He also commented that,

“This is a very complex subject that deals with harrowing situations that you would not wish on anyone …”
Ernst Kuipers

The Netherlands was the first country in the world to legalise euthanasia. The new rules now bring the country in line with Belgium, where laws allowing euthanasia for children between one and 12 were introduced in 2014.

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Assisted Suicide

Where assisted suicide is legal, it makes vulnerable people feel like a burden. CARE works to uphold laws that protect those people, and to assist them to live—not to commit suicide.

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