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Police now screening for gambling addiction

4 January 2023
Police Officer Course 0

Police officers in England and Wales are now routinely screening criminal suspects for a gambling addiction, it has emerged.

The Observer reports that ten police forces are asking suspects in custody about their betting habits as well as their use of narcotics.

The newspaper understands that a further seven forces in England and Wales are now drawing up plans for similar interventions in 2023.

Police Scotland also started a similar six-month pilot project in October in two areas of the west of Scotland.

Police and crime commissioners are also calling for action to prevent the proceeds of crime being used for gambling.

The government is coming under increasing pressure to publish a whitepaper on gambling reforms, which has been delayed four times.

The document, a manifesto pledge by the Conservative Party, is meant to set out a way of improving outdated laws to better protect gamblers.

In the UK, more than 2 million people are thought to be addicted to gambling or at risk of becoming addicted.

Around one gambling-related suicide occurs every day and the NHS reports rising numbers of patients citing gambling problems.

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While for some, gambling is just harmless fun, for a significant minority it causes genuine devastation. Our vision is to see laws passed that will help protect vulnerable problem gamblers.

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