New Head of CARE Northern Ireland appointed

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CARE is delighted to announce the appointment of Ian Bingham as our new Head of CARE Northern Ireland.

Ian’s role will involve building relationships with churches and leaders across Northern Ireland, equipping, engaging, and empowering churches and individuals to be light and salt in politics and society.

CARE Northern Ireland is the NI branch of social policy charity Christian Action Research and Education (CARE).

In recent years, CARE Northern Ireland has been involved in speaking up for the most vulnerable, from preborn babies and women facing crisis pregnancies, to those struggling with gambling addiction and children facing online harms.

Prior to joining CARE, Ian worked for Belfast Bible College as their Engagement Officer and before that he worked for 15 years as a Religious Studies and PE teacher.

Head of CARE Northern Ireland, Ian Bingham, said:

“I am delighted to be joining the CARE team. CARE is an incredible organisation with a rich history of helping Christians to engage Biblically with the ethical and moral issues that we face in our society.

“CARE is all about equipping churches and empowering Christians to stand up and speak out about the clear erosion of Christian values within our society. We want to help Christians to be light and salt in society and help them to formulate a Biblical language and framework for effectively, and graciously, communicating the truth of the Bible into modern day issues.

“This is a critical time in Northern Ireland politics. There are so many challenges that we are facing, not least in relation to the value of life, the cost of living crisis, gambling harms, online safety and free speech. CARE Northern Ireland seeks to bring both truth and grace into these vital debates. It will be a real privilege to come alongside church leaders and listen to how we can serve them and their congregations. I’m really looking forward to this new challenge and count it an honour to be appointed to this role.”

CARE’s Director of Communications and Engagement, James Mildred, said:

“I’m delighted Ian’s come on board and with his experience, positivity, and skills he will really help take our work in Northern Ireland forward.

“Ian absolutely loves getting alongside church leaders and Christians and engaging them to make a genuine difference in society. He brings passion and experience to this important role. We are grateful for all our supporters in Northern Ireland and I know Ian can't wait to get stuck in.

“By partnering with churches and leaders across NI, Ian can really serve and empower churches, so they continue to play a positive role in society.”
