
Government to back criminal liability for social media bosses after Tory rebellion

Miriam Cates MP

The UK government will accept changes to its online safety legislation to make tech bosses legally responsible for the welfare of children.

Michelle Donelan, the Culture Secretary, has accepted changes to the Online Safety Bill that will make senior managers at tech firms criminally liable for breaches of their duty of care to children.

The announcement follows a large rebellion on Conservative benches involving more than 40 MPs, including former ministers Iain Duncan Smith and Priti Patel.

After a weekend of negotiations between Ms Donelan and the Tory rebels led by Miriam Cates MP and Sir Bill Cash MP, the two sides reached an agreement early this week.

Provisions in the online safety regime will target bosses of firms who “consent or connive in ignoring enforceable requirements, risking serious harm to children”.

Bosses who act “in good faith to comply in a proportionate way” with legal duties to protect children but breach them will not be criminally liable.

Miriam Cates MP said: “I am absolutely delighted. The Government has clearly accepted the argument that the strictest sanctions need to apply for harming children.

"This is a good outcome. We are going to have the scope to address all the harms for children. That is very positive", she added.
