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Canadian doc proud of euthanising 400 people including man who didn't consent

Assisted Suicide
10 January 2023
Hospital beds 3

A Canadian doctor who has euthanised more than 400 people has said her work is "rewarding" as she revealed that she killed a man who couldn't consent to an 'assisted death'.

Ellen Wiebe, a doctor who works with Dying With Dignity Canada, boasted of her exploits in a recent seminar for physicians working in assisted suicide.

She revealed that an unnamed man had been unable to get clearance because he did not have a serious illness, or 'capacity to make informed decisions about his own personal health'.

But the man eventually made his way to Wiebe, who cleared him for 'Medical Aid in Dying', flew him to Vancouver, and ended his life by euthanasia, The New Atlantic reports.

Obstetrician Stefanie Green, a colleague of Wiebe, also revealed that she's helped 300 people die in Canada's controversial MAID program.

She uses the term 'deliveries' to describe both her work helping women give birth - and her work to end people's lives, or help people take their own lives.

In the UK, proposals on assisted suicide have been mooted in Jersey, Scotland, and the Isle of Man and an inquiry is ongoing at Westminster.

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Assisted Suicide

Where assisted suicide is legal, it makes vulnerable people feel like a burden. CARE works to uphold laws that protect those people, and to assist them to live—not to commit suicide.

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