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NHS England pushes back on trans ideology

24 October 2022
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New plans from NHS England say most children who believe they're the opposite sex are simply in a phase, and urge medics not to suggest that children change their names and use pronouns.

The proposals, drawn up in the wake of a legal review that criticised England's gender identity service, are seen as a sensible push back against trans ideology in healthcare.

They outline a new clinical approach for younger children which reflects medical "evidence that in most cases gender incongruence does not persist into adolescence”.

Instead of encouraging transition in younger children, doctors will be asked to take “a watchful approach” to see how a young person’s conditions develop.

For adolescents, transition will only be considered when it is necessary to prevent “clinically significant distress” and when a young person “is able to fully comprehend the implications".

The plans are currently out for public consultation and are for an interim service for young people with gender dysphoria whilst a fuller review of procedures is ongoing.

NHS England's plans come amid huge societal concern that so-called treatments recommended by trans activist groups are harming children and young people.

The NHS has endorsed the "affirmation model" in recent years, which sees any child expressing confusion about their gender encouraged to pursue a new identity, and put on a path to medical intervention.

This approach has accompanied a stark rise in young people being referred to gender identity clinics - particularly girls with other issues such as autism or low self esteem.

Referrals to England's gender identity service have risen from just under 250 in 2011-12 to over 5,000 last year. The number of referrals is currently at 8.7 per 100,000 of the population.

In Scotland, the government is being urged to shut down its gender identity service - Sandyford in Glasgow - given similar concerns to those raised in England.

Ministers have so far refused to act and are currently seeking reform of legislation to make it possible for children to legally change sex via self-declaration.

A Stage 1 debate will take place on Thursday this week and CARE is urging MSPs to vote down the plans. If you live in Scotland please consider writing to your MSPs this week.

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The discussion around transgender issues can feel confusing, angry and highly polarised; we want to help Christians to understand what is going on and provide you with resources which will equip you to take part in the conversation.

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