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CARE laments shocking rise in divorce applications in England and Wales

Marriage and Family
30 September 2022
Certificate of divorce hands 1 0

Press release | Christian Action Research and Education (CARE) has expressed 'deep sadness' about a huge rise in divorce applications in the wake of a new law that enables 'no-fault' separations.

In April, divorce laws were overhauled for the first time in 50 years, giving married couples in England and Wales the option of starting divorce proceedings without needing to fulfill certain criteria.

The Divorce, Separation and Dissolution Act replaced a previous requirement to show evidence of conduct or separation. A divorce may now be obtained merely by providing a statement showing irretrievable breakdown.

If one spouse wants out of a marriage, they can exit it within six months and their spouse, who made what they regarded as a serious till death us do part commitment, has no right to contest this, or even record their opposition.

There were 33,566 divorce applications in April to June, with the majority under the new no-fault system by sole applicants. This is the highest number since the first quarter of 2012 and is up 22% from the same period in 2021.

CARE opposed no-fault divorce, arguing that a relaxation of rules would compound family breakdown and lead to a spike in divorces. Responding to reports this morning, a spokesman said:

“From day one, critics of a ‘no-fault’ system warned it would inspire a rise in divorces for the simple reason that making something easier to access results in more people accessing it. The fact that a majority of applicants are single partners is an added cause for concern. Under the new rules, a spouse can unilaterally divorce the other party with little notice, and scant time for marriage counselling and support that may see the marriage relationship restored.

“The real-world implications of a spiralling divorce rate in Britain cannot be overstated: family breakdown; poverty; mental ill health; negative impacts on childhood attainment. At a time when the government should have noted the terrible rise in divorce and redouble efforts to promote the benefits of marriage for people and society, it has instead pursued permissive changes that will alter society for the worse. It’s hugely saddening to see.”


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Marriage and Family

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