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Christian campaigners sue Cambridge college over alleged religious discrimination

Religious Liberty
16 September 2022
University 0

Christian campaigners are taking legal action against a Cambridge University college over alleged religious discrimination.

Lawyers acting for Christian Concern say Fitzwilliam College "directly discriminated" against the group by refusing to host one of its events.

Christian Concern approached the college to ask about booking its premises for a week-long conference involving young Christians.

The college is said to have raised concerns about the group's religious beliefs before refusing to host the event.

Officials are alleged to have turned down the booking because Christian Concern is not "inclusive" and opposes gay marriage.

In a statement after an initial court hearing, the college said it welcomed bookings "from a wide range of groups and organisations".

It also claimed to have reconsidered its decision and offered to host the event at another time, after the original dates were filled up.

"Christian Concern did not take up this offer," the college said.

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